by Jennifer Shen (11/26/14)
Thank you all for the incredible response to part one of our Impact Thinking brief! Some say this paper has made them think about impact amidst rapid growth, others have used it to launch discussions of overall organizational effectiveness. We are thrilled to have ignited a conversation around the critical mindset we call “impact thinking.”
Impact thinking is an organization’s longer-term, holistic view of achieving its desired social impact. It is characterized by continuous learning and accountability practices that deliberately, doggedly, and effectively measure performance against intended impact. In part one of this briefing, we explain why impact thinking can be challenging and examine some common misconceptions.
Your feedback got us wondering: where are others on the path to impact thinking? Let us know where you or your organization falls, and see where your peers rated themselves by participating in the poll below!
[polldaddy poll=8459046]
We know you’re excited to read part two of the briefing (we are too!), so we will be publishing it in mid-December. In part two, we’ll share how you can get “un-stuck” from limiting practices and become an impact thinker, some of the benefits you can expect, and leading examples of impact thinking in the sector. Stay tuned!